Territory: 1,564,000 km, 19th and the most sparsely populated independent largest country in the world.
Population: 2,754,314 people with density of 1. Person/sq km.
Geographic position: Mongolia lies in Central Asia and borders with Russian and China.
Average altitude: 1,580m above sea level.
Landscapes: Semi - desert and plains, mountains in the west and southwest, Gobi desert in the south and southeast, taiga forests and lakes in the north.
Climate: Hot summers and cold winters. Average summer temperature +20C, in the winter -23C, average rainfall 200-220 mm per annum, the sun shines for over 200 days a year.
Form of state: Parliamentary republic
Capital city: Ulaanbaatar
Language: Official language – Mongolian that belongs to the Ural-Altaic family of languages including: Finnish, Turkish, Kazakh and Uzbek. Since 1944, the Russian Cyrillic alphabet has been used to write Mongolian. Russian and English are commonly spoken.
Economy: Traditionally based on livestock breeding, agriculture, and mining
Religion: Buddhism is dominant (94%) with some elements of Christianity, Muslim, and Shamanism.
Currency: Tugrug (MNT). USD 1 = MNT 1427. There is no limit on foreign currency but it must be registered with Mongolian customs. Territory: 1,564,000 km, 19th and the most sparsely populated independent largest country in the world.